The mission of the Women’s Ministries Department of the Light Bearers Mission SDA Church is to model Jesus Christ through meaningful relationships and effective ministries.
We aim to help the women of our church experience the love of Jesus Christ in a personal and life-changing way. We want to nurture our women through events and disciple-building activities such as quarterly morning brunches, small group Bible study, annual Women’s retreats, mentoring of young women and teens, and building Christ-like friendships.
Provide opportunities for women to deepen their faith and experience spiritual growth and renewal
Elevate women as persons of worth
Address the concerns of women
Build networks among women
Mentor young women, teens, and girls
Promote opportunities for wider service for women
Challenge Adventist women to use their talents and spiritual gifts for the glory of God in the home, church, and community
Spirit of Prophecy Quote:
In the various branches of the work of God’s cause, there is a wide field in which our sisters may do good service for the Master…Among the noble women who have had the moral courage to decide in favor of the truth for this time are many who have tact, perception, and good ability, and who may make successful workers. The labors of such Christian women are needed. Evangelism, page 466.